Saturday, April 30, 2011

In Check

I asked my mom if she could find her cool retro label maker and she did! I love the raised text and definitely want to start using it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I was pretty busy today and just failed to come up with anything more exciting....
so this is my dinner of mac 'n cheese shapes. Yes, they are the shapes kind because I love those kind. And I'd really like to start posting actual work I do and then things that I find that I like. Hopefully this summer I can spend the time to do that, but for right now my oh so lovely sketches will have to do.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Introducing my new friend

My final for Serigraphy involves some paper stitching. 'Some' meaning a lot. So I've got this handy dandy poker tool that is making this all possible. Paper stitching is really pretty, but a lot more work than just stitching into fabric, so I've got some time to give to this project. That's fine though because it's relaxing and much nicer than almost everything else I've got to do.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Inked: Serigraphy

I've loved my serigraphy class that I've taken both semesters this year. It's amazing how much you can do and how professional it can look. I got up this morning and felt really good about getting some printing done. Only a little bit more and then the printing process on this project will be done!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Work it out: Yoga

I'm very sorry for this sketch. It's supposed to be my yoga mat...I think it's just one of those days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do What?

As of 4:30 today I had done nothing but watch a marathon of wedding dress shopping and eaten lunch. Since then however, I have gone to the grocery story AND baked cookies. I might fold laundry and do some homework next...we'll see.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's That Time: Weekend Productivity

I've been very proud of myself this year because I've done a good job of cleaning the house almost every weekend. I've found that I like picking things up and cleaning the floors and doing laundry. I know it's odd, but during the week my place and my brain get super messy and I feel like I'm putting it all back together when I clean.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Filler Up: My Version of Procrastination

I really do have good intentions to be productive during the day, and I feel so guilty at the end of the day when I've sat in front of my computer screen and emptied my was one of those days.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Get To It: Project Project

I have a couple of my final prints for my Serigraphy class printed, so now I'm going to stitch parts of them! I'll make sure to post my completed project in a few weeks...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Toe up: Excuse this

It's going to be pretty hard for me to post most of these sketches because of how scary they are. BUT, I know it has to be helping me somehow (probably pretty slowly since it's only one a day) and I'm willing to post these awful sketches because I said I would.
Today I was pretty uninspired as to what I would draw so it's a shoe. Soo creative, I know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting Warmer: Pup Leash

Now that the weather is getting nice and sunny, Henry, my one year old dachshund, has decided he needs to go on as many walks as possible each day. The sunshine is very nice

Monday, April 18, 2011

Catching up: My Water Bottle

This is my sketch for today. My water bottle that I bought this semester for my yoga class has become a fixture in my daily life. Gotta have it. Makes me feel healthy if I drink it all. (and those are Valentine's Day stickers I covered it with)

First Sketch: My Sketchbook

I was afraid to start a blog yesterday, but I did start the sketches! I like having some structure in my life and a daily sketch seems like a good way to do that. I'm sorry I'm not better at drawing...hopefully I'll improve since that is the whole goal of this :)

This is a free sketchbook I got from a Design Firm in Dallas a couple weekends ago when I went to the Dallas Society of Visual Communications. (It was really wonderful)

Let's Try Something New