Thursday, June 30, 2011


(except it will go along with all the others on the cover)
Maybe more scripty  under the name?

There are many fish in the sea

I loveee manatees :) 

I'm excited to get these drawn over in pen and then put them into Illustrator and add color and more shading and try to make them look like nice old illustrations. It would be kinda cool to watercolor them.....hmmmm. We'll have to see!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A New Adventure

So I did promise to post what I'm working on....
honestly, these were all done almost a month ago.
I'm starting it back up because I WILL finish some of them! (and hopefully come up with a lot more)

So these two go together because the first page is a list of sea life that comes up in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the second page is what I've started drawing out. I want this to look very scientific/museum-like. It's probably the one I'm most excited about.(little scared of all the drawings involved though)

This one I like, except I'm having a rough time with the Nautilus look. I want it to be unique, but following the description from the novel. Gotta keep working on that, but once I get it this one should go pretty quickly because I want to keep it as simple as possible. 

Porthole! (And yes, that would be a scripty typeface which usually isn't my thing)

Gotta have my tentacled arm out there. 

So yeah, these are super duper rough sketches, but I think it's a somewhat decent start and I'm hoping they'll all push me to some cooler stuff. 



I set my sights too high, thinking I'd actually blog on a regular occasion (I was thinking everyday, crazily)

anyway, I'm back!

And I have quite a few things to put out here! Yay!

It's nice to try new things. I still like planes though. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Delay, but look!

Sorry for the delay, but look what I found today!!

These were taken in St. Maarten, a french caribbean island, WHERE I'VE BEEN BUT I DIDN'T GET TO EXPERIENCE THIS.

I want to be these people.

I've dreamed of something awesome like this happening to me. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


My sister got back from Italy yesterday!

I like how British Airway planes look. 


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Because I Want To.

Stache and Belle


I needed a break from planes and these just happen to be my favorite photos/subjects. 
(And also what consumes most of my time)

Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm keeping on top of things! Kind of...

So my lovely long drive to work and back allow for perfect plane photos considering I pass two airports! Yay!

Um, so the last two were at stoplights but I'll be honest, the first two were while driving....oops. 
I got too excited!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Double Hit

Yesterday's didn't happen because of my laziness, but I will post one for it and todays anyway.

I really don't care much for the heat. And it's getting hotter. Much, much hotter....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Safety Schmafty

So it's probably not exactly very safe to take a photo while driving...

but I HAD to! The planes that I generally take photos of are going to an airport that doesn't have Southwest and I only fly on Southwest, so when I happened to be driving past an airport that flies predominately Southwest I had to document that.

And they were sooo low to the ground, which I know this doesn't really show a great example of that, but I love the overwhelming feeling of them flying right overhead.

Anyway, here it is! Hopefully I'll catch more Southwest planes later this summer :)