Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We still have clouds!
I love finding new shows to watch and I've recently found one on Sidereel called Sanctuary and I've become quite attached to it so this post is going to be short and sweet so that I can get back to it :)

Monday, May 30, 2011


Clouds have got to be one of my favorite things about the sky. Since I've started photographing planes we haven't had any clouds until today so I was excited to catch some planes by them!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Are you sure?

This could be a plane. Or it could be something else. You decide. (I did play with the hue because it's much more fun that way and I can do what I want.)

So night photography is obviously not my thing. And it would help if I had used my nice camera and nice telephoto lens....but this was a quick trip outside.
Multiple times today I was out and definitely regretted not having a camera at my side. I guess it will become my accessory when taking the dog on a walk and it already goes with me everywhere in my purse on other excursions.

It's great to finally have relaxing weekends where I don't feel like I must hang out with people or do homework or work on anything in particular. I am finally letting myself have no agenda for the weekend and worrying about everything else once the week starts.
This is definitely a new concept for me and I can't say how long it will actually last, but I'm enjoying it while it's here.
Good night!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

In the sky

So I went shopping today and I guess it makes sense to have taken a photo of a plane with an advertisement on it. Granted, I wasn't buying a Kia, which it was promoting, but still. It works. And it's different :)

Plus I like the plane.

Friday, May 27, 2011

You learn something new every day

I was so excited today while waiting at a stoplight because a plane was flying pretty low. Luckily I carry around my powershot and I got some shots!

I did some research on the logo and was able to barely make out the text on the side and it's Singapore Airlines. I looked them up and was pretty impressed. Their planes looks awesome and they're known for their 'Singapore Girl', or their flight attendants and their unique uniforms. I really like them...


(Also, they had some kinda cheesy photos that I couldn't resist)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ADD-New Experiment

Alright, so obviously the Daily Sketch thing didn't work out for me. I'm a little frustrated with myself for letting it slide, but I wasn't happy trying to find something to draw each day and I want to want to do this blog.


New Ideas.

I'm actually going to try two things because one will be daily for sure and the other will be more of a process.

One) Daily photo of planes.

Living twenty minutes away from one of the largest airports in the country has its advantages. Planes are constantly flying over my house. I didn't realize how much I missed these planes (especially the sound) until yesterday and I missed them so much that I wanted to express that somehow. Since it's summer, and I'm home, I figured now was the time to start up the blog again and what better to do daily than catch one of the 50-100-200 whatever number of planes that flies overhead.
Typically, about half of them are close enough to see which airline they are. Sadly today I was either too late to catch one coming in, or I saw the ones leaving and they had already made some distance.
So, not the best photo, but I tweaked it a bit to make it a little more interesting and I'm still excited about this project.

They are pretty loud thankfully, so whenever I heard one I ran out to the front yard, then half the time realized it was already behind me so I had to then run through the house and out the back door...quite a process. I only took about 4 different planes today and I got one that was closer but this was more interesting with the trees framing it.

Two) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea book covers

The past few months I've been thinking about what art project(s) I would tackle this summer. Finally being able to do my own thing, I decided that I was going to make book covers and band posters. After my History of Visual Communications class where I learned all the different art styles, I narrowed down my project to picking one classic novel and making 8-10 different book covers for it based on the different art styles. Art Nouveau, Victorian, Minimalism, Futurism, Bauhaus, Art Deco, etc.
I just finished reading the book today and already have a few ideas. I've got post-it notes sticking out every few pages and I've started sketching. I'll post pictures of the sketches tomorrow when I have more.

I think I'm making the right choice by changing it up and I'm really excited to see where this all goes.

Wish me luck!