Wednesday, July 20, 2011

School Supplies


It's that time again.

And I just started it off right.

I am going to become a planner user.

And this is the lovely planner I'm starting out with:

Poketo  planners. I ordered the yellow one and can't wait :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Postcard Project!

This is a project I originally wanted to do around February but had other projects in the way so it had to wait. I'm reallllly glad it did because I had some things to work out (and still do) but now is a much easier time to work those things out than it was then.


This is definitely going to turn into a series and I'm definitely liking most everything about except a few things that need tweaking. (mainly just my stitching skills and my illustrations)

Originally I just drew it out, not knowing if I was going to watercolor or not and definitely not knowing that I was going to go monochromatic. If I did, the rainbow coming off the Golden Gate Bridge would not have been drawn....)

Of course I had to stitch elements

I forgot to take my step-by-step process so had to shoot once I had just started watercoloring.


Woo! It feels good to have one done. 

I have a list of what I want to do, but they take about a week working mildly for each so I'll do my best with the time I have left. 

I'm thinking:
1) San Francisco
2) Boston
3) Hometown
4) School Town
5) Bermuda
6) Alaska 
7) New York

I think that's going a little too far down the list for what I have time for, but I'll probably move around the order. Those are just ones I'd really like to get to. 

I'm definitely focusing on places I've been because some places I can pinpoint things that stuck out to me and some are the more notorious landmarks, but were still important to me.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Keep it up

I have a lovely plane photo to share AND more to add to my cover designs! I'm finally in a place to get some work done and I'm getting more excited to see it finished.

This is an Anthia fish. I thought they were lovely and it was brought up in the book so I just had to make one. Still need some slight scale details and then it should be good!

I really like the repetition and cleanness of small stroke lines so I just had to test it out in watercolor. I really like it.